Information Technology

Be in control of fast-paced changes and securely manage your content.

Information Technology
Reduce Knowledge Transfer Costs with Intuitiveness

Reduce Knowledge Transfer Costs with Intuitiveness

One of the main barriers towards systems’ adoption is the need for long hours of training for users and administrators. Complicated systems warrant intense training tracks as part of the implementation, which can be at risk if trained individuals leave or assume different roles within the organization. Knowledge transfer costs become high and sometimes repetitive.

Contellect’s easy to use interface saves the IT department time and effort for issues regarding usability. It also saves time and effort in end-users’ training. With an intuitive interface that clarifies how everything is done the organization’s employees won’t need to run to the IT department for questions on how to use the system. Rather they can focus on their core jobs and objectives.

Highest ROI on Infrastructure

Highest ROI on Infrastructure

Hardware costs money, and proper utilization of such hardware is paramount to maximizing ROI. Infrastructure is built to ensure stable and comfortable user experiences. When the infrastructure becomes insufficient the only choice is to expand it, even when utilization is low. The result is more inefficiencies and costs as the system grows.

Contellect’s microservices-based architecture empowers the auto-scaling of demanded services and the turn-off of non-demanded ones to best make use of the infrastructure investments. Gone are the days of topology replications of with low utilization rates. Contellect is engineered to ensure infrastructure utilization rates are always high.

Change your deployment model easily

Change your deployment model easily

In many cases the decision to deploy a system on-premises or over the cloud can be a tough decision. Migrations are costly, complicated and can have adverse effects on end-users if not handled with care. This usually leads to prolonged “Go” decisions for solutions since the cost of changing one’s mind can be high.

Not so with Contellect. Our microservices-based architecture makes changing deployment models easy and simple. You can deploy on-premises and then migrate to the cloud. You can deploy on the cloud and then move on-premises. You can even have a hybrid model depending on your business and technical objectives. Contellect’s design makes the cost of change low.

Most Powerful Technologies in Content Management

Most Powerful Technologies in Content Management

Contellect is engineered as a multi-tiered microservices-based solution. It is comprised of the most powerful technologies to date in the field of content management. Examples of these technologies:

Dockers and Kubernetes: that manifest the microservices-based architecture as well as manage the auto-scaling and orchestration.

Mongo: a NoSQL database engine design to manage volumes in the billions of documents along with their encryption and fragmentation.

Elastic: used to index the content within the system to fulfill full-text-search requirements and return relevant and scored search results for the convenience of users.
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integration with slack
integration with slack

integration with slack integration with slack integration with slack integration with slack integration with slack

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Getting Started with Contellect
Getting Started with Contellect

How do I get started with Recurly? You can begin using Recurly today. Begin by requesting a demo or signing up for…

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